Family Follow Up

The Gonzales Family

Follow Up


One of the biggest tensions of being a realtor is that everyone assumes that you are going to push their budget. Like really push it. So when the Gonzales' came to me wanting to downsize, I was honored to help them change their budget for the better.  Here's the thing about a "downsize"- sometimes it's not a downsize at all, but maybe just adjusting your finances to work best for your family.

When we put their home on the market in the summer of 2015, we expected a quick sale. Their home was priced well and in a gorgeous neighborhood with the best school to offer. Also, the house was only two years old, so in the real estate market it was considered to be a good buy. However, for whatever reason it took several months for this home to go under contract. We took fresh pictures, re-arranged furniture, updated the listing several times, and to be honest selling a home can take time.

We finally got the house under contract in November of 2015. Then came the fun part, we got to search for their new home. The Gonzales family purchased a home that was the same size as their previous one, had the added benefit of a pool, and cut almost $500 off their previous mortgage! The biggest bonus on this supposed to be "downsize" was that they had enough left over to remodel their retro 90's kitchen, along with updating the flooring and paint. In reality, this "downsize" became an "upgrade" in my opinion!

The Gonzales' made a big decision and risk to make their finances work for their family. Not only did they get to make the new home more their style, but with the extra room in their budget they use it to bless others in their home. They have a heart for hospitality- a big one. They are the gathering place for their tight-knit family and love to create memories with their daughter. Now with so much more space in their budget, they can do these things to the capacity that God has placed on their heart.

Being invited over to Steve & E'Lisa's home is always a blessing because you know you are going to gather with amazing people. I am so glad they found a place to call home and a place that doesn't add too much stress to their budget. Steve & E'Lisa- your remodel is gorgeous, and working with you both was the most fun I have had. So honored to have been a part! From all of us at Wright Realty & Design- congratulations!!!